Monday, June 27, 2016

Meng's Kitchen Bak Chor Mee


Dry and soup versions pictured for reference. I shamelessly stole the pictures after googling them, but since this is not for profit it should be okay?

To eat:
Bak Chor Mee (both dry and soup versions are good).

$5 or less for a bowl.

Almost 24 hours.
The fishcake and fried wanton are not bad too. My personal all-time favourite for bak chor mee, although I know some people who prefer Tai Hwa.

Sometimes hard to get parking. Have to go deep into the housing estate once in awhile, which is annoying as shit. Even if you were okay with paying for parking, the closest HDB estate is quite a walk. Also, don't park along the long straight road which is single-white-lined, even in the middle of  the night pontianak will show up and slip you a good one.

Opening hours:
930am - 430am, although I usually prefer to go past midnight when the soup has gotten more gao thanks to all the pork bits cooked through it. I am also a vampire.

246B Upper Thomson Road, Singapore 574370

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