Monday, June 27, 2016

Tai Hwa Pork Noodle

Tai Hwa Pork Noodle

Couldn't find a picture of the soup version but I do recall it being good too.

Edit 29 July 2016: THIS PLACE HAS A MICHELIN STAR. Dammit, it means the queue is now infinite.

To eat:
Bak Chor Mee (most I know people take dry)

I think it's gone to $6/$8/$10, making it one of the most expensive bowls of coffeeshop bak chor mee you can ever eat in Singapore.


The serving is quite large and they do give a lot of 料, and it is very well cooked. They have survived over 60 years and moved a few times so clearly they are doing something right. In terms of quality hands down this is the BEST bak chor mee in Singapore. If you're the kind who doesn't mind waiting, this is right up your alley.

Unfortunately the waiting time is a huge turn off. And you have to stand in to queue (hello, queue number system please). Also, the queue can be deceptively short, because a lot of people send their ka kias to dapow like 10 packets or some shit. My average waiting time during lunch hours is an hour or so. Also, the opening hours aren't as solid as Meng's.

Opening hours:
I couldn't seem to get a consensus from anywhere, but it should be ~10am - 9pm (go during the extremes at your own risk). I also hear they are closed on the 1st and 3rd Mondays on each month. Don't ask me what happens if there are 5 Mondays in that month, maybe they just rest less.

466 Crawford Lane #01-12 Tai Hwa Eating House Singapore 190466

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